Apply for BioinformHer x HackBio Scholarship 🚀

Apply for BioinformHer x HackBio Scholarship 🚀

HackBio Internships

Clinical Oncology


The fastest way to become an expert in Bioinformatics and Biomedical Data Analysis

8 weeks

Starts September 1, 2024!

Where HackBio interns work!
Where HackBio Interns Work!

Laser-focused, Practical and Intensive 8-week program designed to take you from student to expert

You SHOULD apply if...

  1. You are an Undergraduate looking to gain hands-on bioinformatics experience

  2. You are a Graduate student looking to build portfolio that will help you land graduate school scholarships and research grants.
  3. You are ready to hit the ground running and put in 8hours of work per week to excel in this program
  4. You are looking for expert guidiance and mentorship while learning
  5. You want to complete an actual bioinformatics project with real life impact
  6. You are motivated to help solve cancer using modern tech skills
  7. You are ready to push the project into a Journal publication

You should NOT apply if...

  • You are not a team player and do not like working with others.
  • You are a graduate student who is just coasting and have no desire to land graduate school scholarships.
  • You are too lazy and want to be spoon-fed
  • You do not like peer review and afraid of constructive criticism of your work
  • You are not ready to be an expert and master the usage of over 100 bioinformatics tools
  • You have tried coding and given up/decided its not for you

The genomics track of the internship was the dealmaker for me. I have secured a research jobs at 2 startups even before starting my PhD

- Michael Olufemi

Now in University of Massachusets

HackBio makes Experts out of Students


Winfred Gatua

My HackBio experience (and preprint) was my leverage for an interesting conversation with my interview with my Graduate School Admission Team.

Now in University of Bristol UK


Halimat Chisom Atanda

It was really inclusive. I liked that the mentors were always available to respond to questions, comments, and anything at all. I would say that is the highlight of the workshop for me.

Now in University of Queensland, Australia


Nurudeen Rahman

Had the privilege of being part of the first hackbio program, the skills I learnt and exposure came through during my PhD applications

Now in Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland

Learning Tracks for the Upcoming Cohort

Industry/Academia relevant tracks


Drug Discovery


Biomarker Discovery


Data, ML/AI in Cancer


Frontend Bioinformatics


AMRs in Cancer

Watch our Information Webinar




  • Complete Training Resource Pack
  • Weekly Mentorship Call
  • Graded Team Tasks Weekly
  • 1-on-1 troubleshooting meetings
  • Unlimited Access to Bioinformatics Servers
  • Complete All 8 Stages
  • Graded Solutions
  • Unlimited Access to Final Project Phase
  • Support for first draft manuscript
  • Graded Certification
  • No Eviction from the internship


  • Complete Stages 0-5
  • Graded Team Tasks Weekly
  • Weekly Mentoship Call
  • 1-on-1 troubleshooting meetings
  • Unlimited Access to Bioinformatics Servers
  • Complete All 8 Stages
  • Graded Solutions
  • Unlimited Access to Final Project Phase
  • Support for first draft manuscript
  • Graded Certification
  • No Eviction from the internship

Made with HackBio + 💚

Made with HackBio + 💚
